THE JOURNEY TO THE NEW MOON The Journey to the New Moon is The Space Mission of exploring of The New Moon, a planet which newly emerged in the distance of 70 light-years away in the constellation of Taurus. THE SNEW MISSION (South)North)East)West) was launched in 2018 with its major goal of collecting data about the surface of the New Moon and making analysis if this planet could be habitable for human beings. The first spaceship with its 4 explorobots made a lodgment in the location which provides easy access to each of 4 destinations for an analogous distance. The full dossier will be regenerated in VR and sent to the Earth. As much as the next research, it has optional extra correlated with space observation. |
THE JOURNEY TO THE NEW MOON The name of the planet refers to the naming customs with its intention to remind people their motherland as well as to declare the similarities of both areas. In the present case the main correspondence with the Moon represented by the several physical parameteres of THE NEW PLANET, which are identical to the lunar ones. |
THE JOURNEY TO THE NEW MOON The Journey to the New Moon is also a reflection upon the nature of exploration. From the beginning of its history the humanity aimed to expand their territories by conquering the new lands and peoples, domesticating plants and animals. What are our intentions in the roaming in the outer space? Are they the same as the Conquistadors' who colonized more than the half of the world in the Age of Discovery? Or as the Christians who propagated their religion by fair means or foul? |
THE JOURNEY TO THE NEW MOON Are we welcoming guests in the other Galaxy? What are our expectations? Will we be greeted as friends or enemies? Would it be a guest visit or an invasion? Who and how will meet us-aliens and would they be happy about our desire making a settlement in their home place? |
SEA. SAND. LOVE. One of the most fascinating things was the unpredictability, like in the real life. You never know how much time do you have, will you finish the drawing or the next wave will blot it out. Maybe it will linger on for the week or maybe the surf will make you to precise the drawing so far as it will be plenty good enough for the gift for the Sea Gods. |
SEA. SAND. LOVE. The story of Eros and Psyche has caught my attention when I've seen the amazing painting by Francois Gerard in the Instagram of Le Louvre. I realized that I remember the heroes but couldn't memorize the whole story. |
SEA. SAND. LOVE. The god of love and desire Eros married the human princess Psyche (the soul), therefore she became immortal and joined the Olympic Gods. The happy couple have the only child Hedone (the Goddess of pleasure, enjoyment, and delight). |
SEA. SAND. LOVE. The legend of Eros and Psyche maybe one of few happy love stories in Greek mythology. Of course, it wasn't that easy and they went through the envy and jealousy of their relatives, who threw obstacles in their way. The symbols of the images are very meaningful. |
| NOT-YET-FAIRY-TALES | 2004 | | As a member of Dmitry Krymov Laboratory | | 2004 – 2006 | Directed by Dmitry Krymov The performance participated in: International art fair of modern art Art Manezh 2004 The 6th Raduga International Festival | St.Petersburg, 2005 | The 7th International KUKART Festival | St.Petersburg, 2005 | Russian Act 2006 - FeEast Festival of Central and Eastern European Arts | London, 2006 | Golden Mask Festival: "Not-Yet-Fairy-Tales" nominated for the "Innovation/Experiment" award | 2006 | | My roles | 2004 | Babka | Dedka | Babka1/2 | Devochka | |
| Sir Vantes. Donkey Hot | 2005 | | As a member of Dmitry Krymov Laboratory | | 2005 – 2017 | Directed by Dmitry Krymov The performance participated in: The 7th Raduga International Festival | St.Petersburg, 2006 | Gran-Prix and Critics Prize Laureate of Stanislavsky award Russian Act 2006 – FeEast Festival of Central and Eastern European Arts | London, 2006 | Midwinter Night's Dream | Tallinn 2006, 2010 | Golden Mask Festival: nominated for the "Innovation/Experiment" award | 2007 | Performances and workshops in Colgate University & Columbia University, Barnard Theatre | Broadway, New York, USA 2007 | Festival of Helsinki 2008 "Stage" Golden Mask in Latvia 2015 | Riga, Latvia | |
| Demon. The view from above | 2006 | | As a member of Dmitry Krymov Laboratory | | 2006 – 2019 | Directed by Dmitry Krymov The performance participated in: The Theatrical Spiderweb festival The "Territory" contemporary art festival The laureate of national awards - Crystal Turandot for the best stage direction The Golden Mask Performing Arts Festival | 2008 | The Experiment nomination laureate GIFT - Georgian International Festival of Arts in Tbilisi Georgia 2016 |