THE JOURNEY TO THE NEW MOON The Journey to the New Moon is The Space Mission of exploring of The New Moon, a planet which newly emerged in the distance of 70 light-years away in the constellation of Taurus. THE SNEW MISSION (South)North)East)West) was launched in 2018 with its major goal of collecting data about the surface of the New Moon and making analysis if this planet could be habitable for human beings. The first spaceship with its 4 explorobots made a lodgment in the location which provides easy access to each of 4 destinations for an analogous distance. The full dossier will be regenerated in VR and sent to the Earth. As much as the next research, it has optional extra correlated with space observation. |
THE JOURNEY TO THE NEW MOON The name of the planet refers to the naming customs with its intention to remind people their motherland as well as to declare the similarities of both areas. In the present case the main correspondence with the Moon represented by the several physical parameteres of THE NEW PLANET, which are identical to the lunar ones. |
THE JOURNEY TO THE NEW MOON The Journey to the New Moon is also a reflection upon the nature of exploration. From the beginning of its history the humanity aimed to expand their territories by conquering the new lands and peoples, domesticating plants and animals. What are our intentions in the roaming in the outer space? Are they the same as the Conquistadors' who colonized more than the half of the world in the Age of Discovery? Or as the Christians who propagated their religion by fair means or foul? |
THE JOURNEY TO THE NEW MOON Are we welcoming guests in the other Galaxy? What are our expectations? Will we be greeted as friends or enemies? Would it be a guest visit or an invasion? Who and how will meet us-aliens and would they be happy about our desire making a settlement in their home place? |
Series SNEW (South | North | East | West) MISSION 2.0 | II Expedition to The New Moon The New Moon was discovered in 2018 in the constellation of Taurus, 70 light-years from Earth. A group of international scientists organized a first exploratory expedition of four explorers, who collected data on the surface of the planet. The report was converted to VR and sent to Earth. The New Moon is habitable and beautiful. Earthly classification of life forms here is likely illogical – the planet is developing in radically different conditions from Earth. Whether we can talk about the flora and fauna of the new planet, to what kingdoms, genera, and species we can attribute its inhabitants is still unclear. How intelligent is this life, and what to understand by the concept of "intelligence" if the laws of the new planet do not fit into the usual earthly framework. |
Series SNEW (South | North | East | West) MISSION 2.0 | II Expedition to The New Moon The New Moon Fact 1 The night on the planet lasts much longer than on Earth. Surprisingly, this does not always depend on which part of the surface is currently facing their "sun" – the brightest star Aldebaran. The New Moon Fact 2 The gravity on New Moon is 1/3 of Earth's gravity. This is because the planet is much smaller than Earth. The New Moon Fact 3 Analysis of a sample of the planet's atmosphere revealed that its composition resembles highly rarefied mountain air, filled with unknown nutrients that predominate. There is an assumption that The New Moon air will not be dangerous to humans. Perhaps a kind of vitamin cocktail of the atmosphere is a large part of the diet of the inhabitants of the New Moon. The New Moon Fact 4 The rotation of New Moon around its axis is much slower, despite the fact that small planets usually spin much faster than large ones. The reasons for this are still unclear, but it is thought to be due to the planet's small size and low mass. The slow rotation of New Moon has a significant impact on the planet's day and night cycles and therefore, on all living creatures. The New Moon Fact 5 New Moon was named so because of the striking similarity in its physical characteristics to Earth's satellite – the Moon. Mass, volume, radii and surface area are completely identical to the lunar ones. The main difference between these space twins is that New Moon is inhabited by a huge number of living organisms. The II Expedition to New Moon was organized to study the planet's inhabitants in more detail. |
Series SNEW (South | North | East | West) MISSION 2.0 | II Expedition to The New Moon The New Moon Fact 6 During the study of the new planet, a classification system was introduced: The Greek language is used to indicate the estimated number of species that are combined into a single micro-ecosystem (mono, duo, trio, etc.) The name of the living organism is in English. On Earth, the binomial nomenclature introduced by Carl Linnaeus is used, which consists of the genus and species names of animals and plants. The New Moon Fact 7 The atmosphere of New Moon is home to a multitude of living organisms. According to the preliminary analysis of the exlorbots, this is more than half of the planet's biosphere. The New Moon Fact 8 A huge number of living objects have been discovered on the planet that continuously generate powerful energy flows. How this happens and for what purposes remains a mystery. The New Moon Fact 9 The exlorbots have detected a large number of different micro-ecosystems on the planet. These ecosystems consist of various species of living organisms that are obviously interconnected. Alien taxonomy still has to figure out how these ecosystems interact with each other. |
Series SNEW (South | North | East | West) MISSION 2.0 | II Expedition to The New Moon The New Moon Fact 10 The living organisms on New Moon are constantly emitting and absorbing energy. This energy is thought to be the primary form of communication between them. The surfaces of these organisms are semi-transparent and reflective, and they contain strong charges of energy. This energy flows continuously between the organisms, creating a network of interconnectedness. The New Moon Fact 11 The planet is also home to a network of energy rivers. These rivers are made of a strong, translucent substance that contains flowing crystals. The rivers are very short, but they are numerous. It is thought that they are all part of a single system. The New Moon Fact 12 The atmosphere of New Moon is filled with a variety of unknown scents. The exlorbots' sensors are not able to fully reproduce the complexity of these scents, but their chemical analysis suggests that they are incredibly complex and beautiful. The New Moon Fact 13 The distribution of living organisms on the surface of the planet suggests that there are certain patterns to their location and behavior. This has led to the hypothesis that New Moon is home to a complex social structure with a hierarchy. The exact nature of this structure is still unknown. |
Series SNEW (South | North | East | West) MISSION 2.0 | II Expedition to The New Moon The New Moon Fact 14 The giant, colorful snowflakes on New Moon look similar to Earth's snowflakes, but their internal structure is unlike anything we have seen before. The snowflakes are made up of a complex network of interconnected cells. These cells are constantly changing, which suggests that the snowflakes are alive. The exact mechanism of how the snowflakes form is still unknown, but it is thought that they are a product of the planet's unique ecosystem. The New Moon Fact 15 Is the snow on New Moon a natural phenomenon or a living organism? The answer to this question is still unknown. However, the exlorbots have discovered that the snow's composition is constantly changing, which is characteristic of a very complex multicellular organism. This has led to the hypothesis that the snow may have a profound impact on the human body, perhaps even altering hormones and mood. However, it is impossible to test this hypothesis at the moment, as the planet is too far away from Earth. |
Series SNEW (South | North | East | West) MISSION 2.0 | II Expedition to The New Moon When did life arise on this tiny planet? How does it develop and what stage is it at now? How many living organisms are there on this small, faraway planet? How are they born, and what do they eat? Can any analogy be drawn with life on Earth, or is this a completely different unique experience? To what extent can the atmosphere and other conditions affect the course of evolution? Some living things resemble earthly ones. But how much are they identical in their functions to their earthly "doubles"? Can something that looks like grass be intelligent, and what is intelligence? What do the creatures living on it talk about and what do they keep silent about? What topics are they interested in? What is their language like? Is there writing or something that replaces it? Will they be able to understand us humans? Will they want to meet us? Will this planet be friendly to humans? |
Дорогие все! Поздравляю вас с Новым 2024 Годом! Пусть он принесет вам много-много счастья! Пусть в этом году настанет мир во всем мире, люди будут добрее друг к другу и к нашей прекрасной планете, пусть будет больше понимания и заботы друг о друге, радости, любви и процветания! |
Dear ALL! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Let the New 2024 be very-very happy for all people! Let peace, love and respect rule the world! With lots of love, inspiration and harmony! |
Счастливого Нового 2024 Года! Happy New 2024 Year! |